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DNQ Karting Series Announces An AKRA Engine Rules Exhibition Race. The "IROC"Series Debuts

The DNQ Karting Series will hold its first "IROC" series event on Wednesday November 18th after much fan fare to have an event with AKRA engine rules. If we have a good turnout we will most likely run this series next season but it has to be a good turnout for us to run this series full time next season. The IROC series allows people who race on a regular basis to take sometime to run on a Wednesday night and come and have fun. Here are the IROC Series rules.

Weight - 390 (We will give you 5LBS in post race tech)

Tires - Maxxis Blue on the left Maxxis Pink on the right

Engines - AKRA engine rules they can be found here

-Open header (Must Run RLV Muffler)

Clutch - There is no clutch rule


-Protest Fee $50

-You must finish in the top 3 to protest.

-The Series may protest anyone at any time for the $ given

-Cash must be at teardown post race.

- If you refuse to be protested you will be DQ'ed and fined $20

-You can only protest the kart that finished in front of you

-If you are found legal you will keep $40 of the fee

-If found illegal you will be DQ'ed and the protestor will get the $50 back

-Last and most important dont be a pain in the ass if you protest every race we will put a limit on how many times you can protest!

Any questions can be asked on our Facebook page or Twitter page

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