The DNQ Karting Series will hold its first "IROC" series event on Wednesday November 18th after much fan fare to have an event with AKRA engine rules. If we have a good turnout we will most likely run this series next season but it has to be a good turnout for us to run this series full time next season. The IROC series allows people who race on a regular basis to take sometime to run on a Wednesday night and come and have fun. Here are the IROC Series rules.
Weight - 390 (We will give you 5LBS in post race tech)
Tires - Maxxis Blue on the left Maxxis Pink on the right
Engines - AKRA engine rules they can be found here http://www.blairsvillespeedway.com/pdf/2015-Clone-Rules.pdf
-Open header (Must Run RLV Muffler)
Clutch - There is no clutch rule
-Protest Fee $50
-You must finish in the top 3 to protest.
-The Series may protest anyone at any time for the $ given
-Cash must be at teardown post race.
- If you refuse to be protested you will be DQ'ed and fined $20
-You can only protest the kart that finished in front of you
-If you are found legal you will keep $40 of the fee
-If found illegal you will be DQ'ed and the protestor will get the $50 back
-Last and most important dont be a pain in the ass if you protest every race we will put a limit on how many times you can protest!
Any questions can be asked on our Facebook page or Twitter page