The DNQ Series Busch Classic was a wild night of racing, however multiple drivers failed post race tech.
"We are cracking down hard on the stock predator engines. These engines and series are made so we take the builder OUT! of the equation, however some racers cannot help themselves and bring them to builders anyway just to keep up with the competition. Its not our fault that these guys bring their engines to builders and fail tech, but it is our fault if we let it continue to happen at the track.This will ruin the competition and price everyone right out of racing. The teams are their own worst enemies sometimes when it comes to this and if we don't do something it will grow to be a $1,000 "STOCK" Predator engine just to keep up. The builders are just as guilty but if we let this continue it will kill predator racing, I understand builders need to make $ but the DNQ Series will NOT stand for BP predator engines. We will continue to crack down on predator engines. Your best case is to go to harbor freight and buy a new engine off the shelf if there is any question as to if you are legal. We also have a stock engine that anyone can run at anytime that will not have to be torn down post race. I personally dislike the fact that people are failing tech and calling an engine builder right after. It shouldn't be that way, and we will do our best to make sure it wont continue in the future."
Wednesday nights Busch Classic saw 7 total disqualifications across 2 series.
ARCA Pink Magic Tire Prep Series DQ's
Robert Showalter - RPM Must Be A Max Of 5,500 RPM On Kart Stand
Ronnie Carroll - Cam Lift Must Be Within Spec (Lift was found after the Busch Series Feature Therefore DQ Was Handed Down To The ARCA Finish
Kyle Brown - Low Speed Jet Did Not Meet Stock Size (Jet was found after the Busch Series Feature Therefore DQ Was Handed Down To The ARCA Finish
Carroll Tractor & Trailer Repair Busch Series DQ's
Jamie Knopf - Low Speed Jet Did Not Meet Stock Size
Kyle Brown - Low Speed Jet Did Not Meet Stock Size
Tyson Fries - Low Speed Jet Did Not Meet Stock Size
Daniel Armstrong - Cam Lift Must Be Within Spec On Exhaust & Intake Lobes
Robert Showalter - Was Declared The Winner After A Full Teardown (Showalter did past post busch race RPM)
The Series Returns To Action On August 20th For HARTZ HVAC High Side Night